

The rain could be the antagonist

To my tears

But it’s most likely choice

Followed by fears

And in the quiet between lightning and thunder

I hear her voice and it makes me wonder

With each drop unique as it washes defeat

Cleansing the surface

And soaking in deep

Allowing the seed of potential

Some oxygen to breath


So bring on the rain

It’s a pain I must know

In order for me to spread and bloom and grow

And I promise myself after it washes away

I’ll be stronger then yesterday

Then yesterday


So now it’s time to reach above the surface and down deep

So I can breathe in peace and let my roots seep and creep

To a depth beyond madness

And above this dark sadness

Stop the self defeat

You deserve the sows you reap


So bring on the rain

It’s a pain I must know

In order for me to transcend dark and grow

And I promise myself after it washes away

I’ll be stronger then yesterday

Then yesterday


Density provides resistance

Strength is only for those with persistence

A delicate state

Or a life left in wait

A storm ahead

Don’t bow your head


And I keep looking back

To check on my choice

Was it the right one?

Will it strengthen my voice?


So bring on the rain

It’s a pain I must know

In order for me to transcend self and grow

And I promise you

After it washes away

You’ll be stronger

Then yesterday

Then yesterday

-Jasmine 2009